Logo Forest School



Dear Parents/Carers and visitors to our website,


On behalf of the Governing Body I would like to extend a very warm welcome and tell you a little bit about what the Governing Body does and to introduce ourselves to you.


Governors, together with the Headteacher, make important decisions on how the school is run. We are here to ensure that every child in the school achieves the best possible outcome during their time in our school. We act as a critical friend to the Headteacher and staff which means we both support and challenge them to ensure the best outcome for the children. We make decisions on policy and strategy for the school and are accountable to parents and carers as well as the wider community and Ofsted.


The Governing Body:


  • Sets strategic direction, objectives, targets and policies
  • Reviews and approves the school budget
  • Reviews progress against the budget, plans and targets
  • Supports and challenges school leadership


We are here to help the school raise standards and improve performance by supporting the work of the Headteacher and staff while at the same time challenging them to ensure the best outcome for all of its children.


The full Governing Body meets at least six times per year and the governors will also visit the school throughout the year to gather data to assess the results of improvements which have been implemented or to look at specific subjects or areas of school life.


The Governing Body is always keen to hear from parents and carers about their thoughts and ideas for the school and can be contacted via the school office.


We often attend school events throughout the year; you will see us with our official badges on, so please feel free to say hello, ask us questions about the school and give us your views.


I look forward to seeing you at various school functions across the school.


Yours sincerely,


Stephen Beale
Chair of Governors



Meet the Governors

Mr Stephen Beale - Chair of Governors

I am Chair of Governors at Callis Grange and I am also the nominated Safeguarding Governor. Before becoming a Governor, I worked for many years as a Social Worker and Team Manager for Kent Children Services, mainly in Thanet. This experience helps me carry out my role as a Governor. I have lived in Broadstairs for twenty years. My son attends Charles Dickens School where I been a Parent Governor since 2015. I am also a trustee for Upton School PTFA.


Mr Sam Perkins -  Vice Chair of Governors

It's an honour to be Vice Chair of Governor for Callis Grange Nursery and Infant School and serve the school, its staff and most importantly the pupils. I attended the wonderful school many years ago (more than I care to admit) and my two eldest children attended before both moving on to St Peters. Now my youngest daughter is in Reception following a year in the Nursery. My children have all thoroughly enjoyed their time at the school and so I'm pleased to offer my support as a Governor to ensure the experience they went through continues for many generations to come.


Mrs V Palmer-Simpson - Headteacher

I have always had a firm belief that the first years of children’s education are crucial to developing a life-long love of learning and it has been a privilege to spend my teaching career within the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage One. I have also had the opportunity to lead training and provide support for several Infant and Primary Schools around Kent developing teaching, learning and leadership. I have also held the roles of KS1 County Moderator, Assessment Leader, Curriculum Leader, English Leader and Maths Leader. 


Mr Neil Humphries - Co-opted Governor

I was very pleased to be asked to act as a Co-opted Governor for Callis Grange Nursery and Infant School. Despite not attending the school myself, I’m proud to say that my Mum, along with some of her brothers and sisters attended the school when it would have just opened; a few years ago now. I have been a Parent Governor at my children’s primary school for the last three years and I hope to bring some of my experience and different perspective from this, to serve the Callis Grange Governing Body, its staff and ultimately the pupils. I work within Central Government as a Procurement Professional, where I help Border Force to buy and maintain the goods and services they need to combat illegal migration and keep the country safe. I hope that I can bring some of my skills from this profession to Callis Grange and help identify any ways to make the schools budget go further. I’m looking forward to working with the rest of the Governing Body and Mrs Palmer-Simpson to help them reach their ambitions for the school.  


Mr J Kirkby - Staff Governor


Mrs Jade Hennessey-Smith - Parent Governor 


Current Governor Vacancies


There are currently vacancies for the following Governor roles:


Co-opted Governor





Copies of minutes of governor meetings are available from the school office on request. This does not include confidential minutes. If you would like to contact the governors, please contact Sally Posnett (Clerk) at

School Address

Callis Grange Nursery and Infant School
