Year One
Year One Remote Learning
What does TBAT mean?
You may notice 'TBAT' included on some of the Remote Learning activities. This means 'To Be Able To' and refers to the learning taking place during the activity.
Friday 01.04.22
- English 01.04.22 Handwriting lesson Instructions v w x z.
- Handwriting paper 01.04.22
- Maths starter 1 01.04.22
- Maths starter 2 01.04.22
- Maths 01.04.22.
- Maths quiz 01.04.22
- Phonics starter. 01.04.22
- Phonics 01.04.22. activity
- Music. 01.04.22
- Music 01.04.22 Easter egg maracas template
- Reading 01.04.22 Ducks
Wednesday 30.03.22
- English traditional tales 30.03.22
- Maths 30.03.22.
- Phonics starter. 30.03.22
- Phonics activity alternative spelling oa. 30.03.22
- Signs of new life at Easter time PowerPoint. 30.03.22
- Art 30.3.22 Lesson Instructions.
- Easter Basket Weaving Craft Instructions. 30.03.22
- Easter Basket Template. 30.03.22
- Coloured Strips Template.30.03.22
- Reading 30.03.22 At the Beach
Friday 25.03.22
Tuesday 15.03.22
- English starter - Enormous turnip PowerPoint
- English 15.03.22.
- Maths starter 15.03.22
- Maths number 1 worksheet 15.03.22
- Maths number 2 worksheet 15.03.22
- Phonic starter Phase 2, 3 and 5 PowerPoint. 15.03.22
- Phonics focus 15.03.22
- Phonic activity 15.03.22
- RE Lesson Instructions 15.03.22
- RE Main Activity 15.03.22
- Reading - Oxford Owl. 15.03.22
Wednesday 02.03.22
- Spelling spot words 02.03.22
- English Adjectives PowerPoint 02.03.22
- English Verbs PowerPoint 02.03.22
- English Nouns PowerPoint 02.03.22
- English 02.03.22
- Maths 02.03.22
- Foundation St Davids activity - fill in the blanks 02.03.22
- Foundation St Davids day powerpoint.02.03.22
- Foundation St Davids Lesson Instructions 02.03.22
- Foundation extra challenge St Davids word search 02.03.22
- Phonics starter PowerPoint 01.03.22
- Phonics ch read and write activity 01.03.22
Friday 04.02.22
Thursday 20.01.22
- English 20.01.22
- Maths Lesson instructions 20.01.2022
- Maths Main activity 20.01.2022
- Maths Plenary 20.01.2022
- Phonics starter Phase 2, 3 and 5 PowerPoint 20.01.2022
- Phonic focus 20.01.2022
- Phonic activity 'ue' words to match to the pictures 20.01.22
- Phonic activity 'ue' 'pictures to match to the words 20.01.22
- PSHE Bullying 2022.
- Reading - A Day In The Life Of A Victorian Child. 20.01.2022
Wednesday 12.01.22
Friday 07.01.22
Friday 17.12.21
- Handwriting lesson Instructions 17.12.21
- Handwriting Template 17.12.21
- English Elf on the shelf trick ideas for Starter.17.12.21
- English Elf on the shelf trick plan.17.12.21
- Maths 17.12.21
- Maths challenge 17.12.21
- Maths christmas challenge addition and subtraction 17.12.21
- Phonic focus ear PowerPoint 17.12.21
- Phonic activity 1 17.12.21
- Phonic activity 2 17.12.21
- Art 17.12.21
- Reading 17.12.21
Wednesday 15.12.21
Tuesday 14.12.21
- English Elf job application 14.12.21
- Maths 3D shape PowerPoint 14.12.21
- Maths 3D shape hunt 14.12.21
- Phonics starter Phase 3 PowerPoint 14.12.21
- Phonics focus oi PowerPoint 14.12.21
- Phonics activity 1 14.12.21
- Phonics activity 2 14.12.21
- Christmas Joke PowerPoint 14.12.21
- Reading - Oxford Owl 14.12.21
- PE instructions 14.12.21
Monday 22.11.21
- English Lesson Instructions 22.11.21
- Englsih PowerPoint 22.11.21
- English activity 22.11.21
- Monday Maths starter 22.11.21
- Maths 22.11.21
- Maths challenge 22.11.21
- Phonics starter Phase 2, 3 and 5 PowerPoint 22.11.21
- Phonics introduction Phase 3 ai 22.11.21
- Phonics activity ai read and roll 22.11.21
- Science 22.11.21
- Reading - Oxford Owl 22.11.21
Friday 19.11.21
- English starter - Children in Need PowerPoint 19.11.21
- English adjective starter PowerPoint 19.11.21
- English 19.11.21
- Handwriting lesson Instructions.19.11.21
- English Handwriting paper 19.11.21
- Maths 19.11.21.
- Maths extension -Friday Word problems 19.11.21
- Phonics -Phase 2-5 tricky words 19.11.21.
- Phonic activity 19.11.21.
- Children in Need activities 19.11.21
- Reading - Oxford Owl 19.11.21
Friday 10.09.21
- English- Handwriting lesson d,g,q. 10.09.21
- English starter -Letter Formation - d g q .10.09.21
- English -Handwriting paper 10.09.21
- Maths.10.09.21
- Phonics starter 10.09.21
- Phonic game -Spin and Colour. 10.09.21
- Reading - phonics from the week 10.09.21
- Friday Science Lesson Starter PowerPoint. 10.09.21
- Friday Science Lesson Main Activity. 10.09.21
Tuesday 07.09.21
- English Funnybones. 07.09.21
- Maths powerpoint 07.09.21
- Maths.07.09.21
- Phonic introduction y. 07.09.21
- Phonics activity Read and roll y.07.09.21
- PSHCE No 1 Starter PowerPoint 07.09.21
- PSHCE starter No. 2 07.09.21
- PSHCE Main Activity No. 3 07.09.21
- AOW Rules PP.07.09.21
- AOW story -Train Your Dragon to Follow Rules
Wednesday 23.06.21
Tuesday 22.06.21
Wednesday 26.05.21
Tuesday 25.05.21
Thursday 04.02.21.
Thursday 25.02.21
Tuesday 23.02.21
Tuesday 09.02.21
Wednesday 03.02.21
- English 03.02.21
- Maths 03.02.21
- Phonics log in for phonics play.03.02.21
- Phonics powerpoint 03.02.21
- Phonics activity 03.02.21
- Geography activity .03.02.21
- Geography 2 parts UK Map.03.02.21
- Geography weather symbols. 03.02.21
- PE remote learning virtual challenges 03.02.21
- Mental Health and Mindfulness 03.02.21
Tuesday 19.01.21
Maths challenge Have fun trying to identify 2D and 3D shapes.
Phonics Play some fun phonic games.
Thursday 3.12.20
Music 18.11.20 Please watch this video to learn about voice and pitch. Have a go at the activities that he demonstrates at home and have fun.